Thursday, November 6, 2008

Twilight Series

Is it just me, or is the hype of the Twilight series just that - hype? I read all four books, and while I did enjoy the first one, and the second one was a good story, the last two were lackluster at best. I keep hearing comparisons to the Harry Potter series, which to me is laughable, since HP towers over Twilight in every way.

I was warned that Bella would become annoying, and while I liked her in the first book, her overly dramatic angst got old fast. I understand that teenagers are known to exaggerate and become drama queens, but it was a bit much. That and the fact that all the books could have easily have been trimmed into half their size! I began to wonder what all the fuss was about, because Edward started to seem like a joyless gasbag and the cool fun guy (Jacob) gets pushed aside because he's not "perfect" (or dead) enough.

It's different from the tension between Hermione and Ron, which was palpable even when they were children. Maybe I'm biased, but I started to root against Bella and Edward, maybe because it became so predictable. Will they or won't they? Who cares?! All I know is that I didn't have a gasp moment, like I did when Ron saw torturing images of Harry with Hermione, or when they FINALLY kissed (although they really should have been getting ready for the war).

I won't deny that Stephenie Meyer is gifted, but this whole "new J.K. Rowling" thing is nutso. Am I alone?

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