Former pop star Heather Wells is back for the third installment of Meg Cabot's mystery series. Heather works as an Assistant Residence Hall Director at the fictional New York College, where people keep being murdered. This time, it is Heather's new boss who winds up with a bullet in his head. And even though Heather fully intends to stay out of it this time, she ends up once again in danger.
Yeah, they are formulaic, and yes, they are predictable, but I do so enjoy Cabot's sense of humor. Heather is an agreeably flawed character. And the cast of characters in the stories are a hoot, from Cooper, the hot roommate that Heather lusts for, to Magda, the dyed, polished, and shellacked cafeteria worker who is secretly in love with the security guard, Pete.
Definitely light reading, but always enjoyable.
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