I was so amped to read this book. I'd read the Alex Cross series about the 14 year-old James Bond type kid. And now there is a series about girls who go to a spy school? Awesome!
Cammie Morgan is one of the girls who attends Gallagher Academy - a school that on the surface seems to be a snooty prep school for very wealthy girls. But it is really a school for extremely (we're talking off the charts) smart who attend a school to learn how to enter the world of spies with excellent training. Think Sydney Bristow from ALIAS in high school.
Cammie is the headmistress's daughter. She seems like she may be privy to top secret information about the school, but she's just as much in the dark as her classmates. So when the new school year starts, and there is a super-hunky former spy teaching Cove Ops (that's Covert Operations to the uninformed) she is just as clueless as her friends.
Cammie is nicknamed the Chameleon because she is so good at blending into a crowd and not being noticed by anyone. On her first assignment in Cove Ops class she and her two best friends are supposed to trail one of their teachers during a local town fair. The other two are caught, but no one sees Cammie, until a cute boy strikes up a conversation with her. Her cover as the invisible is blown.
The only problem I had with this book is that a really awesome spy story turned into a spy on the cute boy story. The ending was a bit redeeming though, and I will definitely read the next installment in this series